There's a girl in one of my classes...
She's a hard-worker. She asks questions. She's a smart girl. She really, really tries.
Yet, she's borderline failing. How can that be?
I'm not a diagnostician, but I'm 99% sure she suffers from dyslexia. All of the common markers we, as teachers, look for are there. Reversal of letters, atrocious spelling, last one to finish, not able to easily decode words, struggles matching up correct sounds with letters, etc...
So, I send a note home requesting permission to do a screener test - to see if I'm correct or if something else is the problem. Mind you, there
is a problem.
Her parents are NOT interested in labeling their child. They don't want something as
horrible as dyslexia in her file.
This is only the 5th grade. Her coping skills have taken her this far but, I've got news for them, it only gets harder from here.
The dyslexia training would give her a new set of skills. It could be the difference between being a C/D student who wouldn't dream of college (because it's too much work) and an A/B student who moves on to higher education.
I sometimes just don't think parents are able to see the big picture. We're too busy trying to protect our children that we don't see that we're hurting them.
I really believe these parents will look back on this later and say should've, would've, could've. You know?
There are much worse labels I can think of...
failure, wasted potential, or drop-out.My current label: frustrated.
Could you tell?