
In case you hadn't heard...

...Jordyn is a very clean girl.

Yesterday in Primary, Sis. Novak was doing a sharing time about how our body is a temple and that we need to keep it clean. Jordyn announced to everyone that her body is very clean because, "I took a shower with my momma this morning and we are CLEAN!!" (arms pumped in the air for added emphasis). Apparently Jordyn thinks the ladies in Primary are deaf becuase she then repeated this several times for good measure.

I had at least three different sisters come up after Sacrament meeting to tell me the story... I guess it is pretty funny.

Photo taken at least a year ago...

1 comment:

Erin said...

I love Jordyn. I was not in there when she said that so I'm glad you posted it. Her talk was absolutely adorable!!!