I am a serious pajama girl. If I could live my whole life in pajamas I would give it major consideration... I'm not sure pajamas in church would go over well.
So, Bryan got me a pair of pajamas for Christmas. He ordered them online from a website called
Pajamagram and, bless his heart, he thought I would enjoy this particular footed pair.
I might actually like them - if I were 50 pounds lighter and looked like this jammy model... As it is, I tried them on and they left nothing to the imagination. Every lump and bulge said, "Hello!" to everyone in the room and the fanny flap (that, as a bonus, can be embroidered with your name) wasn't very easy to manage.
Because he is a good man, Bryan encouraged me to find a replacement pair of pajamas. Pajamagram has a great return policy and so after I checked out the website and all they had to offer, I exchanged them for this pair.
This is more like it. They are SOOOOO comfy cozy. The fleece is soft and snuggly and the ribbon trim around the ankles, wrists and neckline reminds me of my baby blanket.
In a word: Yummy!